Gravitation and Electromagnetism

Gravitation refers to the attraction between physical objects and the movement toward that entity.

Electromagnetism is the field and force associated with energy.

The particle field includes the gradient, divergence and curl field. The gradient field predicts both attraction and repulsion between particles. The divergence field represents the undulation of particles while the curl field describes the vortex motion of the particles.

Gravitation and electromagnetism both originate from the interaction of body particles. The undulation of pure electronic energy systems represents both gravitational and electromagnetic waves. If graviton and photon are regarded as body particles identical to the electron, then the electrons are the dark matter in the background of the universe according to Zhong-Cheng Liang in his Theoretical Physics abstract.

However, dark matter represents twenty-four percent of the electromagnetic spectrum while seventy-six percent is considered dark energy. The intersection of light with attraction does intersect within the electron which reflects ninety-six percent of the spectrum.

Melanin is the system of electron conveyance within the human body, the pigment superconductor operating a room temperature with all energy and matter.


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