Victims Can't, The Victorious Won't
When you speak, the words you chose conjure your being and define who you are.When a person complains that they "can't," what they mean is that they "won't." When you come from a place of irresponsibility, cowardice, and victimhood, you deflect and give the power over to someone or something else. For example, "You can't walk the dog because you stubbed your toe" deflects the responsibility onto your toe. Your toe is a part of you. You still have nine other digits upon which to walk and if the bank were calling for you to come pick up a check, that's the first statement leaving your mouth as you run toward the door.The victorious, the winners -- not whiners -- say, "I won't walk the dog because I'm feeling lazy and fearful. I choose to not walk my dog because I said so." This statement is honest and takes full responsibility for one's decisions, deeds and, in this case, lack of action. Accountability is the first step toward empowerment.Accountability is Everything.Victimhood is the opposite of accountability and victims use words like "can't."Meriam Webster defines "can't" as "unable to do otherwise" with the key word being "unable." This word deflects and defers power from competency to inability."Unable" means "unqualified, incompetent, impotent, helpless."Whereas "victims" are defined as those "injured, destroyed or sacrificed.... subject[ed] to oppression, hardship or mistreatment.... tricked or duped." Victims "can't" because they are powerless, helpless: broken. They can't.Never let yourself be turned into a victim by another person's choice of words. Refuse that term and always stand accountable for your own thoughts, words and decisions no matter how deep into the discomfort zone you journey. Go there and return empowered.Use words like, "survivor," "lucky to be alive," "overcame obstacles," "continues to improve," "against all odds." Find your definition for your success and give victimhood to the devil. Be honest about how you feel. People trust other people who are honest about their feelings. It's a form of self-respect that others admire and want to emulate. Stand your truth and stand accountable to yourself first and foremost with God all around. If God is with you who dares to stand against you? It starts with being responsible with your words.Accountability is Everything