Service and Resilience
Life is "sense organs meeting sense objects" I once learned while studying Ayurveda.What therefore makes life meaningful? Is it legacy? Is it leaving behind a trust, life insurance policies, a building with your name on it, an endowment or several foundations carrying out your dreams and instructions? Perhaps.Perhaps the larger context is Ethiopia: ether, ethereal -- the dark matter and the dark energy translating and triangulating with that superconductive material we call melanin which permeates every cell of our bodies. Every action we take and thought that we think is connected to space and what we call time.As such, what defines success must be one's willingness to be of self-less service within the place where you live which is always in your own skin. The resilience is your ability to emulate your own noble effort to resist gravity and continue to breath, live, do battle and win. The most successful people keep a clear, focus upon the goal. No matter how many times that they are knocked down, shut out, or someone attempts to humiliate them, these wonderful folks just keep getting back up and standing tall. Ever the nail, they know that the hammer eventually turns into butter as the illusion melts away. Resilience in service is the willingness to focus on the high place of God, honor, justice, truth and to keep walking on that path toward the goal. When you do, not only will you cross the finish line, you will win the race; the human race and enter the ranks of the humane. Not all humans are humane.Once there, heaven will be with you on earth and death simply a transition of the physical experience.Our Creator loves those who fight and stand with truth, justice, honor, and love.