
Downright, done wrong, down dog quantifiable.According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 71.8% of the US population five and older is fully covid-injected or 223,035,556 individuals.  49.7% of these have received at least one booster.If you ran your corporation by the numbers and knew that 70% of the population would need to be injected to destroy their immunity so that 150% in profits on immunity-boosting drugs could be rolled out, would you buy, I mean lobby, a few politicians to make it so? At what price?If you achieved a 65% injection rate from age 17 to 120, that would not be enough.  You would still need 6 month old babies up to 120 years at a 70% rate.  Could you do it?On what level of Dante's inferno would you reside after committing yourself to the quantifiable solution?  You have been witnessed by Our Creator in deed 100% while blandished by your peers in the mere 4% white-light of esteem?  Was it worth it?  Do you tell yourself that's all your pheomelanin permits.If the technocratic eugenicists can only perceive the four percent light range and are monetarily motivated to destroy humanity accordingly, can't we give them a pass?  No.Who created these narcissists?  Are they to be destroyed or brought to heel?  Is this not the time to do so therefore?  Yes, these melanin recessive parasites must be held accountable in this life for attempting to quantify this bountiful world against humanity while hypocritically living a life of unchecked waste and luxury.Those who experience the 100% and beyond are stepping up and moving forward as an army of light.  The battle will be fought and won once again for the glory of the Source of us all.


Flowing Prosperity Beacon


The Nines