Focus on Melanin in Spite of Fear

According to the ancient Khemetian wisdom, the melanin-Dominant individual in order to realize the benefits of this molecule-shaped, spinning wheel or swastika cross must develop and nurture three aspects of your genetics and your biology which include the substance which goes forth by night (melanin) and the substance produced by day (serotonin) and the neuron cells produced within the third spite of fear: intimidation, violence, and death.

Part of what enriches the melanin is dark, leafy green vegetables which contain phenalalanine and tyrosine. These key amino acids are the building blocks of melanin. The neuromelanin of the substantia nigra for example fortifies and enhances memory.

Melanin is further enhanced through rest between the hours of 10 pm and 4 am when melanin production increases. Deep sleep in a completely dark room is optimal.

Melanin is a tripartite with serotonin produced by day through the skin's exposure to sun. The final musketeers are the neuron cells which are enhanced through use: reading, writing, recalling tales, telling autobiographical stories, fictional dirges, learning new topics, solving word problems and engaging in communication which build neuronal cell stores.

The vagus nerve, CN X (cranial nerve 10) refers to two vagus nerves running vertically of the right and left sides of the body originating in the brain stem through the neck, chest and abdomen supplying parasympathetic nerve fibers to all the major organs. The vasovagal reflex triggered by fear or stress causes a drop in blood pressure and blood to the organs along with a slowing of the heart rate. This can cause a restriction in proper thinking and care of one's melanin, serotonin and neuron cells.

Melanin Dominant individuals must take particular care of this swastika-shaped molecule which exists in all organs of the body and in the largest, most exterior organ: the epidermis. This begins by understanding the seven properties of importance surrounding melanin described by Dr. Jewel Pookrum in her book, Vitamins and Minerals from A-Z with Ethnoconsciousness.

"1. Melanin can become toxic to melanin-dominant people if it combines with harmful drugs such as amphetamines, psychotic hallucinogens such as LSD, neuroleptics known as tranquilizers, marijuana, Agent Orange, paraquats (usually associated with marijuana), and tetracycline [which] .... either block or alter the overall electromagnet chart volume of melanin.

2. Melanin shows extreme affinity for binding with fatty type compounds: therefore, the more melanin-dominant an individual is the greater affinity they have to retain excess fat in the body or [to] store fats taken in from the diet.

3. Melanin is a very old chemical and has been involved in the life process since life began.... composed of varying amounts of different, small, chemical species and nutritional substances: tyrosine, tryptophan (Trp), melatonin and serotonin.

4. Melanin exhibits varying types of electrical charges and binding properties responsible for its great magnetic and electric activity.

5. Melanin responds to and absorbs light, sound (in the form of music frequency and electrical energy" and uses this energy in the body as fuel and as a nutrient.

6. Melanin is essentially involved in controlling all metal and physical metabolic activities.

7. Melanin can bind, interact with and release most of the known elements of earth.

8. Melanin is present at the site of all tissue repair and tissue regeneration is present when there are infections and diseases [and] .... has a direct relationship to the immune system ....

9. Melanin is capable of undergoing many chemical reactions at once through what scientists call "oxidation reduction reactions."

10. Melanin can produce or neutralize radiation and neutralize the harmful free radicals that occur from the breakdown of many food substances and aberrant energy exposure."*1

The goal is to protect your melanin against all odds and in spite of fear.

*1 Vitamins & Minerals from A-Z with Ethno-Consciousness Pookrum, Jewel MD PhD MFS 1993 J.E.W.E.L. Publications Inc.


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