It's the Melanin

Nur Ankh Amen once famously wrote, "[t]he secret ingredient[,] for which our race has been made to suffer is melanin..."

If humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens (HSS), then the construct of "race" must express dermal variation or a mutation such as albinism.

We live in a world of HSS driven and evolving in vitalism. Yet the dermal expression of albinism has exacted dominance over the species through aggression and violence ruthlessly organized around patriarchal governance. In the words of a four-star air force general and later reiterated by a naval rear admiral, "The last thing we want is a fair fight." Those words sum up the "white," macho, militaristic force that has become the dominant HSS of our time now streaming in digital bias. "Any thing but fair" leads naturally to technological and biometric digital advances to maintain the scabrous playing field against the ethereal strength of melanin-Dominance.

The melanin Dominant prefer a vitalistic, fair fight because they have the God-given disposition to natural strength, power, and endurance. However, those living in "sin" or "without" the powers conferred by melanin are at a disadvantage. The great equalizer as described by Francis Cress Welsing is the gun fueled by gun powder. Khemetians and Nubians discovered gun powder millennia before it became "one of the four great inventions of China" in 904 A.D. The difference is that the Africans chose not to use this substance with violent intent for lethal purposes. The "Egyptians" preferred to battle according to the natural laws of vitalism utilizing divine strategy and power.

The melanin-recessive, albino variant understood long before the cult of artificial intelligence that vitalism could never be successfully fought without advancing technology. Hence, the use of gunpower and guns became the standard by which fighting could be made unfair. Guns and firepower have been used successfully by the non-melanated marauders ever since whether in Europe with its world wars, on the sugar plantations or South America, the Caribbean, and Hawai'i (oh yes, I did go there). A force multiplier creating an unfair advantage has always been the preferred method of domination.

Speaking of force multipliers, we now have weather warfare, geoengineering and silent weapons for quiet wars which all produce the same effect of an unfair military advantage over melanated populations...for now.

Melanin is the reason cowardly advantage is ruthlessly pursued. The technological, biological, digital reshaping of the planet requires the power construct of race in order to successfully accommodate the genetic variation of albinism. Melanin, however, is a superconductor and it can not be swallowed or destroyed. Look no further than the dark energy matter that composes ninety-six percent of our existence or perhaps the next supernova and you will surely understand that melanin is here to stay and it always wins.


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