Turning White

A Caucasian man from an Eastern bloc country arrived in America on a work visa and overstayed by nearly half a decade easily.  He stayed and worked in this country gaining employment within his bloc community never needing to learn or even speak English so tight were his connections.  Having the requisite sandy hair, pale eyes and white skin made him impervious to blue lives shatter, in fact, he was a friend.Upon finding a gullible, traumatized American, he married, manipulated and then received that temporary golden ticket.  Upon seeing the finish line of final green card approval in sight, this immigrant found himself in a position of power.  He felt confident to now insult and disrespect a descendant of the African people who built this country.  This is what white supremacy looks like.Give us your poor, hungry, ambitious white immigrants for America is their place of opportunity where they can expect to step right over the Blacks descendants the African slaves who built this land and right into whiteness.  The Italians, Irish, Russians and Spanish arrivals in America were considered swarthy and black if you are willing to remember the 700-year rule of the Moors within Europe or the influence of the maritime traders, the Phoenicians, also Black.  In fact, in the early days of America, only the Celts, Saxons and English of the Presbyterian faith were considered white.  However, America's racism checkboard moves in Black and white or white-passing.  So over these Manifest Destiny Homestead Act years, Europeans, the only ones allowed in, have been turned white.   A self-styled group of Eurasian whites have even attempted to transform themselves into semitic people using an adopted religion such is the double-edged sword of their deception.This raw, white arrogance is directly proportional to the unabated fear of annihilation.Genetic Entropy tells us that this soon shall end and not just pass.


Service and Remembering


Humans vs. Humanity