Sound Over Sight

In Ayurveda, the progression of the senses begins with smell, ascends to taste, touch and then sight.Our sentient organs:  nose, mouth, skin and eyes experience the above respective senses in a dance within the third dimension of the four percent electromagnetic field of the visual light spectrum.  We call it being real and feeling alive.  There are two dimensions beyond sight, yet the human race functions at the stagnate level of visual perception in part due to the unfortunate melanin-recessive dominance of the planet.  Still there is hope for melanin dominance is fed through sound.Sound reigns over sight.  Yet the blocking of our auditory genius due to pollution and dilution is no oversight, but intentional subterfuge of human vibratory ascendency.  Hip hop truth and spoken word wisdom have been obfuscated with blasphemy, debauchery and depravity.  The enemy is at war with sound because the melanin dominant rule in this arena.Once sound abounds, melanin grows profound and the vibes rise to the higher place and this face is space.


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