259 North In Mount Enterprise

Two signals: One from Camp Pendleton and one from Twenty Nine Palms using a specific frequency and magnitude triangulated with a private contractor; a third-party carrier.That's the backdrop you cannot see but can hear via the left-ear tinnitus and feel by way of the electrical punches to your right bicep.  You do not see the "boots on the ground:" police, citizen mercenaries; "vigilantes," and curious people driving behind you activating the technology.When your mind, your thought process and what you actually see is co-opted through technology directed with military radar and research-grade weapons behind you, the effect is the same.  Your muscles and mental ability to react are slowed, delayed or shut off.I realized the hit was a psyop because "Randy" Pratt was extremely aggressive, but only after the first marshall, a soft-spoken elderly man "politely" stopped to make sure that I was "ok." He then released his Pitt bull marshall to growl and harangue.I eventually came to realize that the theatre which appeared as a car wreck was staged and planned; a live exercise from the time I drove North on 59 and found myself worried that I had missed the exit and turned around.  Why would I be fearful unless the technology was running interference and needed to buy time to organize the contingencies and put the players in place.When your mind is influenced so that you see green and then see it switched to red or your see red on a light post and it means nothing, then you know bad technology is in play.  What happened to the yellow signal?  There was no yellow.  These criminals switched the Siemens control box and the signal light from green to red with the flick of switch under the steering wheel and onto the beacon. They're caught and now their peers know of these dirty cockroach tricks brought into the light of day. Criminals are scurrying.Shut down the technology by learning about it, exposing the cowardice and shining a light on those bad actors who agree to perpetrate on behalf of team satan.It's tempting to search out a thousand different scenarios of what could have taken place if you had swerved or curved or even stopped.  Alas, this was a staged event, and the camera reveals the players.A repeat of 65 South from Birmingham complete with the same car seven and a half years later.




Will America Redeem Itself Or Not?