Two Worlds' War

Not to be confused with World War II or the "War to End All Wars."The two worlds refer to the paradigm of the wealthy, powdered'elite and the masses including the mid-level managers; the digital mulattoes of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) slavery.  Simply put, the transhumans.The two worlds consist of those who love God-spirit and those who hunger for the material.  Many of the masses fall into the latter category while many of the wealthy love God.  Really.  Yet did not the messenger say that it would be "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:23-24)?War is a powerful, profitable business.  Some believe power fits through the eye of a needle.I read Debutante: The Story of Brenda Frazier around the time it was published.  From this book, I learned that in times of war and economic turmoil, the rich gain exorbitant wealth.  Brenda's father inherited a fortune and this trust was passed on to her as simply a transfer of wealth.  "The rich get richer and the poor get -- children (F. Scott Fitzgerald).  Only now the poor get -- injections and there's a lot more poor and two very distinct worlds.The worlds also consist of people willing to take action versus those following in-action: individuals primed for a fight and those willing to obey.  The bold, ready to fight, takes the form of talking, writing, protesting, marching, earning, spending, defunding, risking all in spite of fear.  The obedient cave into "authority" and fear because the vagus nerve is one bad ... (shut your mouth) and must be calmed.  Those who take action with a composed vagus succeed in achieving their goals and work together with others to achieve victories. Those who obey moronic, omicron orders, fall into fear, isolation and lose the battle.This world is divided to appear as two:  one black and one white like a checkerboard.  Yet the polarities, black and white, refer to energy not color.  These hues reference a strong and weak force, the chi of yin and yang, dark water and bright fire, magnetic absorption and electric repulsion, gravitational expansion and contraction:  life and death.  Those who fearfully, obey seeking a return to "normal," materialism unwilling to calm themselves, breath, think, and be brave will enjoy the fruits of cowardice.  They will easily become the masses in a two worlds' war.War is a series of battles fought by two paradigms and that means there is hope.  For the obedient, let the next battle be calming the vagus nerve.  Re-imagine and act to create a world which empowers you and your family with clean air, healthy food, a thriving, vibrant natural world.  Divest from the NAC (Natural Asset Companies)-inspired TCC-WEF (Transnational Capitalist Class- World Economic Power) powdered'elite.War is a series of battles.  Some fights you lose and others you win so keep calming down, waking up and jumping back into the fight for our lives.  Peace unto you.




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