Gematria Play Prediction

Step 1.  Create a foundation.  Start by placing a dot in the center of the page.Step 2.  Draw three equidistant lines equal-in-length originating from that dot.  The shape would appear as a peace sign or "y."Step 3.  At the end of each line drawn, label the end point A, B and C where A = 12/21/2021, B= 4/22/2022, and C=8/21/2022.Step 4.  Notice what occurs on each date:  12/21/2021 (day 1) marks the winter solstice as the sun once again begins to increase and the days grow longer; 4/22/2022 (day 124) is Earth Day and 8/21/2022 (day 245) is Senior Citizens' Day and the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism in History.


Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio

