Blasphemy Is Sorcery: Conjuring Spells

Many if not most movies produced by the major studios:  Touchstone, Lionsgate, Columbia, Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) after 1968 include blasphemy or a curse against God written into the script.The Production Code or Hays Code was enforced from 1930 to 1967 and forbade blasphemy.  Specifically, from June 13, 1934, to November 1, 1939, the code stated, "Pointed profanity (this includes God, Lord, Jesus, Christunless used reverentlyHell, S.O.B., damn, Gawd), or other profane or vulgar expressions, however used, is forbidden."  Further, from 1956 onwards blasphemy was specifically identified and restricted:"In the 1956 revision of the Code, the section headings for IV and V were: “IV. Vulgarity” and “V. Obscenity”. (Also, “VI. Blasphemy and Profanity” and “10.National Feelings” represent departures from the previous numbering.) The title for section 6, “Blasphemy and Profanity”, replaces the simpler title “Profanity” by which the same section had been identified when it was section V of the earlier versions. As can be seen above, the 1956 version combines the subjects of both III and V from the pre-1956 versions of the Code."However, members of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) like MGM and Warner stopped using the Hayes code after 1967 and began using a rating system that is currently in-use today.  It's been fifty-four years since the code ended and generations have grown up hearing and seeing blasphemy as a matter of course in movies, television shows, books, cartoons, the internet, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and all other forms of media.  Interestingly and ironically, LinkedIn might be the one media platform people refrain from blasphemy, but only because it involves money and their professional (life's work) reputation profile taken together.Despite the ratings system, blasphemy and references to a curse or disrespect of God can even be found in PG-13, PG, and G rated films though not as frequently as in R.The placement of blasphemy in movies is important to notice.  Rarely does a film begin with a curse however, with "Men in Black," that is the first statement.  Usually, the curse against God is introduced once the movie had laid down a hook.  For example, once the setting, plot, characters have been established and you begin to enjoy the flow of the film, you are given the bait or a "feel good" moment.  "Sleepless in Seattle" lays down a hook when Tom Hanks' character spots Meg Ryan's character in the airport as the two cross paths and Hank unknowingly speaks to Ryan.  He walks away uttering a blasphemy, but how many moviegoers stormed out of the theater and demanded a refund or turned off the TV/HD?  The movie had the audience "on board" and in scripting placement, this is where the blasphemy is often placed.This curse against God is a test to see if you will walk away from the film then and there.  Most people don't even notice the curse or simply conclude that it's not a big deal. "It's not like he landed the f-bomb or the b-word" people tell themselves.  However, every time a curse is dropped, the sorcery is placed, seeded and the spell invoked.    This sorcerer's web of spells had been spun for fifty-four years so is it any wonder America has seen the decline of its morals, ethics and values in the past five decades?As a child, I remember watching the movie "Jaws" and finding it scary and entertaining.  As an adult, I went back to view the movie and was shocked to discover the actors cursed the name of God at least five times and twice called out the name of Jesus Christ before issuing these curses.  Americans have grown up not even hearing blasphemy and rarely considering it as an offense when heard.  A "Christian nation" that ignores blasphemy and usury is off course to say the least.  Would that be part of the separation of church or state or just another means to weaken the soul and spirit of the people?Many scriptwriters have their original screenplays changed or altered by these MPAA production companies not because the audience demands it, but because the sorcerers and crafters of the mental depopulation program require the poisoning of the mind.  You cannot kill the body until you first destroy the soul and that starts with the brain.Blasphemy is sorcery or the casting of a spell through words because it destroys a part of your mind by controlling and shaping it to deny or disrespect what is good and wholesome.  It's like someone peeing in your coffee day-after-day.  It's only a drop at first, then a teaspoon and eventually a tablespoon.  Eventually, you get used to the taste until someone says, "Hey, you're drinking urine."  The public has been drinking the pee since 1968 and telling themselves it's coffee and cream.  It's not.The MPAA rating system does not screen for blasphemy and why would it when its members require movies and scripts to include at least one, but usually several, curses against God.To break the spell, a strategy of rating films works best to prevent the mind control and to avoid watching movies that attack your love of Our Creator and its abuse, therefore, of your self-esteem.I've seen a few films that do not curse God:  "Fifty Shades of Gray (the original only)" and a few others to be named.  The Hallmark movies are clean of course.  However, in terms of MPAA films with (Screen Actors Guild) SAG members, you will be hard pressed to find movies that respect God in word.I have actually found several books going back even to Langston Hughes' novel in which he back-handedly throws a curse against God.  I was shocked."Matrix," all of its subsequent sequels and installments are riddled with blasphemy.  When I find an escalating progression of curses in a film, ninety percent of the time the profanity culminates with blasphemy because this is the formula sorcerers use to capture the victim--a slow-frog boil.  Other films where the scripts included blasphemy devilishly forced into them were: "Selma (MLKJr. march of defiance)," "King Richard (Richard Williams' success story in training Venus and Serena)," "Coming to America," "Poetic Justice," "Forrest Gump (has nearly ten curses against God five which occur in a one-minute rescue scene),""Hitch," "Shawshank Redemption," and the list goes on and on for fifty-four years.  If it's your favorite movie or one of them and produced in a major MPAA studio, then ninety-fi percent of the time there's blasphemy.  Prove me wrong.Like the reselling and reseeding of the n-word to Black people and white, blasphemy is targeted against human self-respect.  Most people have self-esteem issues because at their core, thoughts are fed through words consumed as rotting waste debased when directed against our strongest hope.  The body eats food and so does the mind: words.Media in every form has been infiltrated by sorcerers and satanist crafting a web to steal your mind.  Once your thoughts and self-respect are gone, the rest is as easy as fear and an injection unless you know to call on God.  If you have spent your life ingesting media that hates you for being favored by our Creator and if you don't know how to recognize disrespect and turn away from hate, then you will be swallowed up by these devils and spit out minus your soul.Praise Our Creator and reject blasphemy by recognizing it.  Divest your time, money and attention from this media of destruction.  Choose Love, Life and Our Source.


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