OTC Is the New OCD
Over-the-Counter drugs are the new obsessive compulsive disorder.The human body is the great tuning fork, the antenna and the universal pulse. Our planet has every plant, tree, fruit, flower and herbal elixir known if we would simply use these natural remedies that can grow and do grow in our backyards, parks, and forests.Pharmaceutical companies derived aspirin from the bark of the willow tree. Morphine and codeine are originate from the opium poppy. In fact, Johns Hopkins extracted the immortal cells of Henrietta Lacks and sold her "HeLa" cell line without her consent for the creation of multiple medicines and drugs. This obsessive, compulsive need to increase profit demands what is natural and abundant be quantified, over-valued and privatized.Supply is driven by demand. You have a cough, buy cough medicine over-the-counter. You have an itch, buy anti-itch medication over-the-counter. You're feeling a fever, no need for a prescription to bring down that fever, just pop over to the drug store for that over-the-counter medicine. Millions of people now turn to the paper currency to solve their bodily issues instead of applying their own self-knowledge about self-healing. Yes, the media, television, radio and internet all feed this co-dependent relationship with big pharma. So turn off the media, go outside and feel the world around you.You are your own medicine. You are your own healer. "Physician, heal thyself." (Luke 4:23) Therefore, turn away from the compulsive disorder to purchase synthetic consumables which mask symptoms. Rather, embrace your natural, God-given intelligence to discern the abundant, healing medicine growing all around you and within you.