Mincing Words

"That symbol [the confederate flag] which is super sensitive...is just a symbol...it doesn't always have to be a white supremacist symbol," said someone.No harm, no foul.The swastika, also super sensitive, is equally "just a symbol" with a twelve-thousand year history.  Applying someone's logic, does Azov and Hitler's invoking the "well-being" of the albus recessives to the exclusion of the melanated turn bias into racism or is it still just a symbol?This skirmish among team billionaire for the smooth global transition to central bank digital currency against team humanity is cloaked in cymbals, but you don't want to dance or hear the discord that defines America's racism. It's the screech of history repeating itself.Seven hundred and fifty thousand people did not die fighting in the Civil War for "a different time, a different history of America... [as] different groups." The principal issue was not "states' rights" or the pursuit of "happiness." The war on both sides was always about labor and resources; property and wealth.Here we are one hundred and fifty-seven years later and the war, cloaked in symbols, still deals with labor, resources, property and wealth on a much larger and infinitely smaller scale.This time, team billionaire is coming after all of humanity and doesn't give a flying flip about any confederate flag.  https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/statistics-civil-warhttps://www.history.com/news/american-civil-war-deathshttps://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/symbol-swastika-and-its-12000-year-old-history-001312


Double-Edged Standard


Contracts and Accountability--Part I