About Helel

A few weeks ago, I listened to a woman channel an entity calling itself Helel or Heylal otherwise known as satan.

This entity explained several important spiritual ideas: (1) the two principal entities on the planet are seraphim similar to angels and the other, more emotional empaths are the Elohim. Both have come in the spiritual evolution of the earth plane, (2) judgmental constructs are imposed by humans upon themselves and thwart spiritual growth, (3) the earth plane exists because Helel had the vision and courage to compel the creation of a space for curiosity, trials and experimentation so motivated souls could evolve, (4) Helel is closer to being a seraphim or jinn and not Elohim, (5) these entities are not comfortable in human form, but will take shape as needed (6) the goal of evolution is unity and non-judgment, and (7) good and evil, Heaven and hell do not exist, but are subjective.

I found the information presented by this channel to be accurate and credible. It explains to me how the wealthy of power and principalities do move in the world around us with strategy and not compassion. They act like seraphim and not elohim except that they satisfy their curiosity at the expense of unity and compassion.


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