The Medical-Chemical Significance of Gold and Copper v. Silver
In physics, there are only three noble metals: Gold, Silver and Copper according to Wikipedia.
Nur Ankh Amen, in his epic masterpiece, The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism, writes concerning copper:
“The production of melanin starts with the conversion of tyrosine by the enzyme tyrosinase to 5, 6-iodole quinone. Tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine (an amino acid) and stabilizes the conformation of the melanin. The metal ion acts as a backbone [spine] for the polymer structure of melanin, resulting in a metal-organic complex. The amino acid forms peptide-linked formations with the metal ions. The ligands are attached at the nitrogen atoms….with interactions occurring between the central copper ions. This complex metal compound is the only substance in the body that [qualifies] as an organic semiconductor.”
In her book, Vitamins and Minerals from A-Z with Ethno-Consciousness, Dr. Jewel Pookrum writes of the noble metal gold stating:
“When gold is taken in very, very dilute levels, as in homeopathic therapy [or worn as a bracelet or necklace per the ancient Afrakans], it regenerates all tissues and energizes the life force. This is especially true for the melanin-Dominant variant. Gold has been found to be destructive to cancer cells.”
Gold and copper are noble metals that heal and are crucial to human life, especially to the melanin-Dominant.
Alas, what becomes of silver? Similar to copper and unlike gold, silver is often found in nature combined with sulfur. Pheomelanin, the sulfurated form of melanin, is characterized by high levels of thiols in melanocytes. Unlike gold and copper which can be ingested in small dosages or consumed through plants containing such metals respectively, silver is generally not consumed nutritionally, but has been considered for its anti-bacterial applications. Silver is readily consumed in the production of electronic devices. In fact, the global supply of silver is being depleted daily for use by machines.
Therefore, the medical-chemical significance of gold and copper is that they heal and improve the quality of human life especially for the melanin-Dominant and for this, they are precious.