The Platform
According to the Meriam-Webster dictionary, a platform is twofold: “a flat horizontal surface that is usually higher than the adjoining area” and “a declaration of the principles on which a group of persons stands” or “a means or opportunity to communicate ideas or information to a group of people” and therefore “the basis for further action.”
We live in a world where we all breath air and that atmosphere-aquarium is a platform in which we communicate. Call it the oxygen life.
At the next level, we communicate through those airways and into sound uttering emotion: vowels, consonants, words, phrases, paragraphs, novels of oratory, spoken-word sonnets, open-air concerts inspiring reflection and wisdom.
We then enter the platform of sight and touch: keypad, keyboards, wide-screens, HD, AI and boundaries owned and secured by digital cartels, military-industrial-pharma thugs and those seeking to rob, cheat and steal.
By perception they make war and through the buy-perception they fake peace. We the people, do not own this platform. Time to wake up.