When the Doctrine of Discovery is Revoked, [How] Will the Americas Exist?
Americas unscrambled contains the work Racism. Revoking the Doctrine of Discovery or the Doctrine of Christendom and Domination ends the bull; the Papal Bull and its Doctrine over North and South America.
Peter Thiel suggests that we should acknowledge our lack of progress, dream up a vision of Definite Optimism guided by Christian theology and work to make it [this theology and a Doctrine of Christian Domination] a reality.
Optimism aside, how will the Americas exist when the Doctrine of Discovery is not simply rebuked or repudiated, but revoked and removed? Are the cognitive constructs of racism and domination aging out like osteoporotic bones poisoned and teetering from eons of carnivorous carnage?
“[H}uman rationality … embodied means that basic body states like BALANCE, and other image-schemas, provide the primary structure of human reason.”
If the dominance schema is top heavy and out-of-balance, it will surely fall. That cascade initiated the destruction of the Doctrine of Discovery.