Nucleus Pontis Centralis Oralis

The seventh cranial nerve is responsible for much of what makes us individual—the facial expression worn by each individual. The facial nerve (CN VII) is commonly divided into 4 segments for examination: the nucleus and tracts, the cisternal segment that traverses the internal auditory canal, the intratemporal segment (through the bony facial nerve canal), and the peripheral segment.

Some neurons in the ventral parts of the nucleus pontis centralis oralis and parabrachial nuclei send fibers to the facial nucleus bilaterally.*1

Carbachol, a cholinomimetic drug that binds and activates acetylcholine receptors, injected into the nucleus pontis centralis oralis caused defense reactions like hissing and growling and disturbed vocalizations according to a study by van Dongen.*2

Hence, stimulation of the neuromelanin within the nucleus pontis centralis oralis has an emotional effect upon both the visual and vocal expression of the individual being activated.

*1 Mesencephalic and pontine afferent fiber system to the facial nucleus in the cat: A study using the horseradish peroxidase and silver impregnation techniques. Takeuchi, Yoshiki; Nakano Katsuma; Uemura, Masanori; Matsuda, Kojyuro; Matsushima, Ryotaro; Mizuno, Noboru; Experimental Neurology, Vol 66, Issue 2, November 1979, pp 330-342.

*2 Locus ceruleus region: Effects on behavior of cholinergic, noradrenergic, and opiate drugs injected intracerebrally into freely moving cats. P.A.M van Dongen. Experimental Neurology, Vol 67, Issue 1, January 1980, pp. 52-78.


Nucleus Tegmental Pedunculopotine


Nucleus Nervi Trigementi Mesencephalus