They Do Know What They Don't Know
How can you expect someone to know what they don't?
As a melanin recessive individual, if your civilized, warrior class emerged somewhere between Greece, Sparta, Rome or Asia, how can you be expected to claim Khemit, the ancient melanin Dominant ancestry of Afraka or the Sirius red, white and blue history envisioned through the Dogon? Just how?
You can't and so it is easier to erase history or simply re-write it. This is what we are witnessing today globally in the America's and Asia.
Melanin is one of the most important molecules in existence. Fully expressed, it is composed of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen bonded. It bears the shape of a swastika; the ancient symbol of peace recently and continuously vilified through Hitler's adoption of it 90 years ago during World War II. Like the word "comrade," this ancient symbol is still working to restore its true value and meaning.
However, the bigger issue is the re-writing of history and historical symbolism that removes or attempts to diminish the importance of melanin. Those melanin recessives holding fiat-debt as power, seek to genetically destroy melanin. In the United States, chocolate brown is not as "pretty" as caramel which pales when compared to vanilla. Colorism is the weapon used to coerce a secondary power-struggle for acceptance, but why? Because the melanin recessive power brokers lack this vital molecule and must re-write history and re-fund power away from the true story and the sun respectively.
Melanin recessives are children born without the same level of power as their Dominant parent clan and so technology has become the path through which these individuals marry up due to a poor inheritance. Afrakans generationally negotiating life in the caves of Europe, fought to overcome their environment. In doing so, they adapted losing the melanin along the way. They are reminded that the melanin Dominant hear music more intensely, taste food more richly, see color more beautifully. The depth and breadth of the melanin Dominant descendants who love and honor melanin becomes a threat to what a melanin recessive knows that they lack.
There continues a centuries-long battle to openly denigrate and then secretly enjoy the power of this molecule. It appears that the melanin recessives do not know, but really these individuals do understand what they lack and they resent the disinheritance. The parents, the melanin Dominant, stand accused by the children of abandonment which is expressed as derision by day then filled with tears and sobs of "regret" by night. Yet in the morning, it's back to business as usual.
Take a look at wikipedia, an open-source dictionary whose historical background usually begins with Greek or Roman origins rarely giving a nod to ancient Africa. There you can see history being re-written in the image of the melanin recessive.
They do know what they do know and what they don't want to know or admit. Blackness and melanin are what they do not want to know.
For melanin is one of the most important molecules in existence.