Celebrating Humanity
Martin Luther King Jr. was born ninety-four years ago today. His contribution is his evolution from peace maker to debt collector. He evolved as humans do because his focus became laser-sharp and just as clear.
Humans progress. Neanderthal man (H. Sapiens Neanderthalis) went extinct. The skin, hair and nails of certain Caucasian people still contain the genetics of the female Neanderthal. "Cromagnon man, now termed Early Modern Human (EMH), is basically the African Aurignacian industry of 80,000 to 10,000 years ago renamed as Non-African (H. Sapiens Wontnameit).
What defines humanity is that superconductor known as melanin and the twelve pigmented loci that compose the Amenta of the human brain. This human race into humanity is the progress and evolution of our minds and compassion waxes large in human brain growth. The intelligence quotient (IQ) functions in balance with the emotional quotient (EQ) yet the latter is treated as an afterthought instead of the force multiplier. Compassion, responsibility, accountability are out of balance and the Constitution is the culprit. The corporations, their shareholders have run through the IQ, but genetic entropy leaves them at the foot of EQ; desolate and alone. Foundational Americans have learned through centuries of legal abuse that accountability must come through paying the debt that is owed.
Martin Luther King Jr. evolved in his understanding that American Blacks whose ancestors toiled and died in intergenerational labor as was dictated through the coded words of the Jefferson's Constitution. "That peculiar industry" of "those unfortunate ones" institutionalized slavery in US law for eighty-nine (1776-1865) years. However, this immoral bondage stretched back all the way from1525 in America through to its present and continued codification in law. This day and this time remind us that the debt to Black American is still outstanding and must be paid.
"We're coming to get our check" Martin Luther King Jr. famously stated. Listen to his words.
These words do not speak of children holding hands or of a promised land, but of the here and now. Dr. King speaks of a debt that is owed not to everyone, but to those whose ancestors bones are buried in the killing cotton fields of this country. The cotton fields where murder, rape, torture, humiliation and robbery occurred legally for hundreds of years in this county in the name of "protect and serve" the property owners; the pursuit of happiness, I mean property.
Whether slaves were mortgaged as property, sold and separated from their families as property, raped, impregnated with their offspring separated and sold as property, the labor and profit were used to build this land of milk and honey to which the whole world flocks. Martin Luther King Jr. was evolving into the realization that Black American descendants of slaves are owed a debt by America It may be a cash payment of 14 to 23 trillion dollars. We know that the debt is owed and it will be paid by the United States government or its successor because the lien is in, the receipts have been presented and the invoice mailed. Now cut the check because in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "We're coming to get our check."