The Trinity Energy

The pineal, pituitary and Amenta are to the mind as the heart, brain and womb are to the body respectively. This organic trinity has a spacial affiliation with the sun, the Milky Way and our universe. Dark matter and dark energy swim through the trines of this triangulation which extend to the proton, electron and neutron. Quantum physics can even get into the act with the scalar boson amassing Higgs while the vectors charge in force through carriers of the photon, gluon, neutral- and weak-charged bosons, but I digress.

The main point is that the interaction of above, so below is also in between. I am focused on that middle ground which is energy; the etheric blood flowing between our organs, cells, and stars. I am speaking of the dark matter and energy which effervesces between us because together our thoughts and actions conduct this symphony of sound. Yes, I said it. Dark matter and dark energy are sound; the word. We have ears, a heart and mind so we can hear if only we are willing to listen.

There is hope yet for the human race willing to enter the ethereal blood which is our melanin, the great communicator; the superconductor of dark energy-matter shared by all. Our human race must thrive and we do so by entering into our humanity. Melanin is the port; the door.


Substantia Nigra: The Beginning


A New Language for a New Life's Work