Nucleus Retro Ambigualis

Nucleus Retroambigualis plays a vital role in vocalization due to its influence within laryngeal motoneurons *1 and evokes an important nexus between the pathways conducting vocalization and respiration. 2

1. The Avian Nucleus Retroambigualis: A Nucleus for Breathing, Singing, and Calling; Wild, J. Martin; Brain Research, Volume 606, Issue 2, March 26, 1993, pp. 319-324.

2. The Nucleus Retroambigualis Controls Laryngeal Muscle Activity During Vocalization in the Cat; Shiba, Keisuke, Umezaki, Toshiro, Zheng, Y., Miller, Alan D.; Experimental Brain Research, Volume 115, July 1997, pp. 513-519.


Threading the Amenta


Dorsomotor, Vagus of the Nucleus