Threading the Amenta

Each of the twelve Amenta: Substantia Nigra, Nucleus Brachialis Pigmentosis, Nucleus Paranigralis, Locus Coeruleus, Nucleus Intracapularis, Nurcleus Subcoeruleus, Nucleus Nervi Trigemini Mesencephalis, Nucleus Pontis Centralis Oralis, Nucleus Tegmental Pedunculopontine, Nucleus ParaBrachialis Mediallis, Dorsomotor, Nucleus of the Vagus, Nucleus Retro Ambigualis all link together to form a powerful melanin chain that communicates with dark energy and dark matter. This dark melanin interface includes the black electrons and the black hole origin of this galaxy.

Why have we humans travelled so far from our blackness, our origin, when light composes a mere four percent of our electromagnetic spectrum?

The threading unification of the Amenta chain informs the human journey as to the evolution of our humanity.

America is also called Amenta in Afrakan story. Why did you choose to emerge from this land? What is the significance of your spiritual evolution?


The Ankh


Nucleus Retro Ambigualis